
Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Friendly reminder

Hey everyone,

Hope you are enjoying your Spring break!
Please remember to complete your homework:

* XtraMath daily
* Read 1 Grade 4 level novel (Example: Harry Potter series, Lemony Snicket series, Percy Jackson series, I Survived! series, etc.)
* Write a summary (10+ sentences) about the novel

Have a wonderful time off!  I'll see you next Monday. =)

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Valentine's Party!

On Friday, our class had a Valentine's party.  We distributed Valentine cards, ate plenty of sweets and chips, played limbo, and then had some outdoor fun!  It was a great way to end our week.

Getting ready to start the dance train!

Monday, 2 February 2015

Career Fair!

For the month of January, Division 9 has worked very hard to complete their very own research on a potential career for HACE (Health and Career Education).  They spent many hours in the computer lab as well as on their posters.  Our class hosted a Career Fair by dressing as their job and by inviting Ms Lockie's Grade 4 and 5 class to observe, evaluate, and ask questions.  It was a fun time!  I'm proud of Division 9's effort and diligence. :)

Some of our pictures are also posted on our school's Twitter feed.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Story Writing Unit

This week our class had the pleasure of a visit from my friend Mrs. T, a retired teacher.  She introduced the elements of a story through the Mr and Little Miss picture book series.  This month we will be creating our own Mr or Little Miss book with illustrations.  We are very excited!